Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Current Issue of the Series 6
Scientific, trade journal

“Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Series 6. Engineering Science”
“Vesnik Hrodzenskaha Dziarzhaunaha Universiteta Imia Ianki Kupaly. Seryia 6. Tekhnika”

ISSN 2076-4839
Published since july 2011, is published 2 times a year. The journal is registered in the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus. Reg. number 1463. Founder – Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Indices for subscription: 00680; 006802.

Editor-in-Chief – Kiturka I. F. (Kiturko I. F.), Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)

Deputy Editor-in-Chief – Maskevich A. A., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)

Executive Secretary – Sharshanevich N.S. (Shershenevich N.S.), Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus). Tel.: 8(0152) 68 11 96, +375 33 6893315, e-mail:

International Editorial Board:
Bahdanovich A. V. (Bogdanovich A. V.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Haldade V. A. (Goldade V. A.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Homel, Belarus)
Heorhieu R. (Georgiev R.), Doctor of Technical Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Krupich B. (Kripicz B.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Bialystok, Poland)
Laushenka F. R. (Lovshenko F. G.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Mahilyow, Belarus)
Leitsyn U. N. (Leitsin V. N.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Kaliningrad, Russia)
Loukis Z. V. (Lovkis Z. V.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus)
Pantsialeenka F. I. (Panteleenko F. I.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus)
Piunik Ya. (Piwnik J.), Doctor Habilitated (Engineering), in Engineering, Professor (Gdansk, Poland)
Prushak V. Ya., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Salihorsk, Belarus)
Radzishevsky P., Doctor Habilitated (Engineering), Professor (Warsaw, Poland)
Ryskulau A. A. (Ryskulov A. A.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Sebeshau U. R. (Sebeshev V. G.), Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Tartakouski Z. (Tartakowski Z.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Szczecin, Poland)
Vatsin M. I. (Vatin N. I.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Zhang Ruoyu, Doctor of Sciences, Professor (Ningbo, China)

Editorial Board:
Barsukou U. H. (Barsukov V. G.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Executive Editor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Liopa V. A. (Liopo V. A.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, the Deputy Executive Editor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Auchynnikau Ya. V. (Ovchinnikov E. V.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Bahdanovich P. M. (Bogdanovich P. N.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Homel, Belarus)
Bakatovich A. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Navapolatsk, Belarus)
Batsianouski E. I. (Batianovski E. I.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Boika A. A. (Boyko A. A.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Homel, Belarus)
Chykava T. S. (Chikova T. S.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Davidovich A. S., Candidate of Architecture, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Dauhiala U. A. (Dovgialo V. A.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Homel, Belarus)
Dzmitryeva M. A. (Dmitrieva M. A.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Kaliningrad, Russia)
Ivashka V. S. (Ivashko V. S.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Kastsiukovich H. A. (Kostsiukovich G. A.), Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Khaladzilau A. V. (Kholodilov O. V.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Homel, Belarus)
Krauchanka V. I. (Kravchenko V. I.), Candidate of Technical Sciences (Hrodna, Belarus)
Kuzmiankou M. I. (Kuzmenkov M. I.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Lazouski D. M. (Lazovsky D. N.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Navapolatsk, Belarus)
Leanovich S. M. (Leonovich S. N.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Leshchyk S. D. (Leshchik S. D.), Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Malkou I. R. (Malkov I. G.), Doctor of Architecture, Professor (Homel, Belarus)
Papok M. M. (Popok N. N.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Navapolatsk, Belarus)
Prakapchuk M. R. (Prokopchuk N. R.), Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus)
Safonchyk D. I. (Safonchik D. I.), Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Shalabyta M. M. (Shalobyta N. N.), Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Brest, Belarus)
Shapavalau V. M. (Shapovalov V. M.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Homel, Belarus)
Skaskevich A. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Struk V. A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Trotskaya T. P., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Tur V. U. (Tur V. V.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Brest, Belarus)
Varantsou A. S. (Vorontsov A. S.), Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Volik A. R., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)

Our partners:
Polytechnic Institute and State University of Bialystok (Poland); Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Russia); Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin) (Russia); Institute of Polymer Chemistry and Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Republic Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan); Irkutsk State University (Russia); Mendeleev Moscow University of Chemistry and Technology (Russia); North-West State Technical University (North-Western State Correspondence Technical University) (Russia); Tashkent Automobile and Road Institute (Uzbekistan); Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russia); Heilongjiang University (China).

Column journal
1. Physics of condensed state (technical sciences).
2. Materials science and technology of materials.
3. Friction and wear in machines.
4. Technology and equipment of mechanical and physics-technical processing.
5. Mathematical modeling, calculation methods and programming complexes.
6. Powder metallurgy and composite materials.
7. Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials.
8. Technology and processing of polymers and composites.
9. Processes and equipment of food industry.
10. Machines, assembly and processes.
11. Build materials and articles.
12. History of science and technique.

Journal review
Series 6, vol. 14, No. 1 (354), 2023


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