Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno


 The Research journals «Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno» are included into the List of the Research Publications of the Republic of Belarus for the publishing of the Dissertation Research Results

 The aims of the scientific (trade) journals
  of «Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno»:

  • The reflection of the development of the scientific and innovative research in the Republic of Belarus, improving the quality of training of highly skilled academic professionals in accordance with the strategic directions for the securing of the single state policy in the field of the state attestation of the scientific and pedagogical personnel.

  • Attractiveness to authors and readers.
  • Publishing on its pages original scientific articles having the scientific level meeting the demands of the journals included into the List of the Research Publications of the Republic of Belarus for the publishing of the Dissertation Research Results.
  • Covering research results, including that of dissertation research, scientific government-financed and contractual research topics.
  • Popularization of scientific potential of the teaching staff.
  • Reflection of the advanced achievements of science in the teaching process of the university.


  • Assistance in coordination of fundamental and applied research in the field of modern science.
  • Support of doctorial candidate research, postgraduates and seekers of academic degrees and titles.