Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Current Issue of the Series 3
Scientific journal

“Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Series 3. Philology. Pedagogy. Psychology”
“Vesnik Hrodzenskaha Dziarzhaunaha Universiteta Imia Ianki Kupaly. Seryia 3. Filalohiia. Pedahohika. Psikhalohiia”

ISSN 2076-4855
Published since july 2011, is published every four months.
The journal is registered in the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus. Reg. number 1461.
Founder – Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
Indices for subscription: 00557; 005572.

Editor-in-Chief – Kiturka I. F. (Kiturko I. F.), Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)

Deputy Editor-in-Chief – Maskevich A. A., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)

Executive Secretary – Sharshanevich N.S. (Shershenevich N.S.), Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus). Tel.: 8(0152) 68 11 96, +375 33 6893315, e-mail:

International Editorial Board:
Bialova V. U. (Belova O. V.), Doctor of Philological Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Fedatsenka I. L. (Fedotenko I. L.), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (Tula, Russia)
Furmanau I. A. (Furmanov I. A.), Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Karol A. D. (Korol A. D.), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Kviatkouska A. (Kwiatkowska A.), Doctor Habilitated (Psychology), Professor (Warshawa, Poland)
Lukashanets A. A., Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus)
Makienka V. M. (Mokienko V. M.), Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
Mazilau U. A. (Mazilov V. A.), Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor (Yaroslavl, Russia)
Pryhodzich M. R. (Prigodich N. G.), Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Rahoisha V. P. (Ragoisha V. P.), Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Ramanau K. M. (Romanov K. M.), Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor (Saransk, Russia)
Zhuk A. I., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Zhukau A. U. (Zhukov A. V.), Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Honoured Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

Editorial Board:
Karpinski K. V., Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Executive Editor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Varanovich V. L. (Voronovich V. L.), Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Executive Editor of “Philology” (Hrodna, Belarus)
Tarantsei V. P. (Tarantey V. P.), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Executive Editor of “Pedagogy” (Hrodna, Belarus)
Autukhovich T. Ya. (Avtukhovich T. E.), Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Barkou U. A. (Barkov V. A.), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Belski A. I., Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Hanchar S. V. (Gonchar S. V.), Candidate of Philological Sciences (Hrodna, Belarus)
Haradzilin S. K. (Gorodilin S. K.), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Danilovich M. A. (Danilovich N. A.), Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Dauksha L. M., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Kadol F. U. (Kadol F. V.), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (Gomel, Belarus)
Kamarova T. K. (Komarova T. K.), Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Kaniushkevich M. I. (Koniushkevich M. I.), Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Kastsiuchenka A. V. (Kostiuchenko E. V.), Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Kavaleu B. P. (Kovalev B. P.), Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Khramau V. U. (Khramov V. V.), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Klimenka H. P. (Klimenko A. P.), Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Kolyshkо A. M., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Lysiuk L. H. (Lysiuk L. G.), Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor (Brest, Belarus)
Miachkouskaya N. B. (Mechkovskaya N. B.), Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Najmeddzinau A. R. (Najmeddinov A. R.), Candidate of Philological Sciences (Kokand, Uzbekistan)
Nikitsevich A. V. (Nikitevich A. V.), Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Pivavarchyk T. A. (Pivovarchik T. A.), Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Rychkova L. V., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Siarheika S. A. (Sergeiko S. A.), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Ulasiuk N. I. (Vlasiuk N. I.), Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Valynets T. M. (Volynets T. N.), Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Yakaniuk V. L. (Yakoniuk V. L.), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)

Our partners:
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Russia); Kokand State Pedagogical Institute (Uzbekistan); The Institute of Slavinic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia); Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (Russia); Lomonosow State University (Russia); Saint Petersburg State University (Russia); Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University (Russia); Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky (Russia).

Column journal
Research area "Philology"
1. Literature studies.
2. Belarusian literature.
3. Russian literature.
4. Foreign literature.
5. Theory of literature. Textual criticism.
6. Folklore studies.
7. Journalism.
8. Linguistics.
9. The Belarusian language.
10. The Russian language.
11. Slavic languages.
12. Germanic languages.
13. Romance languages.
14. Classical philology, Byzantine and Modern Greek philology.
15. The theory of language.
16. Comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics.
17. Applied and mathematical linguistics.
18. Languages of the peoples of European countries, countries of Asia, Africa, aborigines of America and Australia.
Research area "Pedagogy"
1. General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education.
2. Theory and methods of teaching and upbringing.
3. Correctional pedagogy (pedagogy of auditory and speech impaired, visually impaired, mentally impaired, speech impaired people).
4. Theory and methods of physical training, upbringing for physical development and adaptive physical training.
5. Theory, methods and organization of sociocultural activity.
6. Social work (social and pedagogical activities).
7. Theory and methods of professional education.
Research area "Psychology"
1. General psychology, psychology of a personality, history of psychology.
2. Psychophysiology.
3. Pedagogic psychology.
4. Social psychology.
5. Legal psychology.
6. Political psychology.
7. Psychology of labour. Ergonomics.
8. Differential psychology.
9. Correctional psychology.
10. Psychology of human development. Akmeology.
Journal review
Series 3, vol. 14, No. 2 (359), 2024


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