Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Current Issue of the Series 2
Scientific journal

“Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Series 2. Mathematics. Physics. Informatics, Сomputer Technology and Сontrol”
“Vesnik Hrodzenskaha Dziarzhaunaha Universiteta Imia Ianki Kupaly. Seryia 2. Matematyka. Fizika. Infarmatyka, Vylichal’naia Tekhnika i Kiravanne”

ISSN 2076-4847
Published since july 2011, is published every four months.
The journal is registered in the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus. Reg. number 1460.
Founder – Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
Indices for subscription: 00047; 000472.

Editor-in-Chief – Kiturka I. F. (Kiturko I. F.), Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)

Deputy Editor-in-Chief – Maskevich A. A., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)

Executive Secretary – Sharshanevich N. S. (Shershenevich N.S.), Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus). Tel.: 8(0152) 68 11 96, +375 33 6893315, e-mail:

International Editorial Board:
Amelkin U. V. (Amelkin V. V.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Brechka T. (Breczko T.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Bialystok, Poland)
Chychuryn (Chichurin A. V.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Lublin, Poland)
Chystsiakou A. A. (Chistiakov A. A.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Moscow, Russia)
Giniavichus R. (Ginevičius R.), Doctor Habilitated (Physics and Mathematics), Professor (Vilnius, Lithuania)
Hortsau A. M. (Gortsev A. M.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honoured Researcher of Higher School of the Russian Federation (Tomsk, Russia)
Kiriiatski E. R. (Kirjackis E.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Vilnius, Lithuania)
Kosau U. M. (Kosov V. N.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Melikau A. Z. (Melikov A. Z.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (Baku, Azerbaijan)
Miatselitsa A. V. (Metelitsa A. V.), Doctor of Chemical Sciences (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)
Prakapenia A. A. (Prokopenya A. A.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Warsaw, Poland)
Rasulau K. M. (Rasulov K. M.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Smolensk, Russia)
Rouba Ya. A. (Rovba E. A.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Sadouski A. P. (Sadovski A. P.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Saksonau Ya. A. (Saksonov E. A.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Moscow, Russia)
Tsikhanenka A. M. (Tikhonenko O. M.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Warsaw, Poland)
Schneider K. R., Doctor of Mathematics, Professor (Berlin, Germany)
Shube A. S. (Şubă A. S.), Doctor Habilitated, Professor (Kishinev, Moldova)

Editorial Board:
Martynau I. P. (Martynov I. P.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Executive Editor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Huzatau Dz. V. (Guzatov D. V.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Executive Editor of “Physics” (Hrodna, Belarus)
Shushkevich H. Ch. (Shushkevich G. Ch.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Executive Editor of “Informatics, Computer Technology and its Control” (Hrodna, Belarus)
Anishchyk V. M. (Anishchik V. M.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Anufryk S. S. (Anufrik S. S.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Apanasovich U. U. (Apanasovich V. V.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Barsukou U. H. (Barsukov V. G.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Buza M. K., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Dudzin A. M. (Dudin A. N.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Hachko H. A. (Gachko G. A.), Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Hancharou V. K. (Goncharov V. K.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Haponenka S. V. (Gaponenko S. V.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus)
Hromak V. I. (Gromak V. I.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Hryn A. A. (Grin A. A.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Kalinin A. I., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Kharyn Yu. S. (Kharin Yu. S.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus)
Liopa V. A. (Liopo V. A.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Marchanka U. M. (Marchenko V. M.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Piakarski A. A. (Pekarski A. A.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Sadykhau R. Kh. (Sadykhov R. Kh.), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Sheleh A. U. (Sheleg A. U.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Minsk, Belarus)
Valko N. H. (Valko N. G.), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)
Vuvunikian Yu. M., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Hrodna, Belarus)

Our partners:
Academy of Sciences of Moldova (Moldova); Voronezh State University (Russia); Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania); Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia); Institute of Mechanics of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia); The Institute of Solid State Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia); Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia); Irkutsk State University (Russia); T. Shevchenko National University of Kyev (Ukrainian); Moscow State University of Electronics and Mathematics (Technical University) (Russia); Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia); National Research Nuclear University of Moscow Engineering-Physical Institute (Russia); Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (Azerbaijan); Dostoevsky Omsk State University (Russia); The South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky (Ukrainian); Southern Federal University (Russia); Saint Petersburg State University (Russia); National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (Russia); Smolensk State University (Russia); The Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Russia); Tomsk State University (Russia); Manipal Institute of Technology (India); Carleton University (Canada); University of Bialystok (Poland); Czestochowa University of Technology (Poland).

Column journal
Research area "Mathematics"
1. Theory of numbers.
2. Algebra.
3. Topology.
4. Geometry.
5. Differential geometry.
6. Mathematical analysis.
7. Theory of functions of a real variable.
8. Theory of functions of complex variables.
9. Ordinary differential equations.
10. Qualitative theory of differential equations.
11. Analytical theory of differential equations.
12. Differential equations with partial derivatives.
13. Integral equations.
14. Differential and integral equations of mathematical models of natural sciences.
15. Calculus of variations and mathematical theory of optimal control.
16. Functional analysis.
17. Probability theory. Mathematical statistics.
18. Calculus mathematics.
Research area "Physics"
1. Apparatus and methods of experimental physics.
2. Theoretical physics.
3. Radiophysics.
4. Physical electronics.
5. Optics.
6. Acoustics.
7. Physics of condensed state.
8. Physics of plasma.
9. Physics of semiconductors.
10. Thermal physics and theoretical thermotechnics.
11. Physics and technology of nanostructures, nuclear and molecular physics.
12. Crystallography, physics of crystals.
13. Laser physics.
Research area "Informatics, Computer Technology and its Control"
1. Theoretical bases of informatics.
2. Informational systems, analysis and design.
3. Computer architecture.
4. Software.
5. Databases.
6. Computer networks. Calculating networks.
7. Applied information (computer) technologies. Methods, based on computer usage.
8. Optimal control.
9. Complex systems: analysis, optimization and management.
10. Mathematical and computer modeling of systems and processes.
Journal review
Series 2, vol. 14, No. 3 (363), 2024


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