Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno



1. Articles acceptance procedure
1.1. Authors of the articles are postgraduate students, lecturers, research fellows, people, working for a degree of doctor, working or studying at institutions of higher education of the Republic of Belarus and abroad. In other cases, the decision about articles acceptance is made by the editorial board.
1.2. People without a scientific degree should present an extract from the department meeting minutes with the recommendation for publication. In postgraduate’s extract there must be indicated the year of studying.
1.3. Editorial board has the right to ask for the extract from the department meeting minutes containing the recommendation for publication if it is necessary.
1.4. The author may bring the article with all applied documents to the editorial office personally, or send it by post as a usual letter (foreign authors (neighboring and distant foreign countries) are allowed to e-mail all the materials:
1.5. The articles sent to the journals’ editorial board are reviewed by the editor-in-chief, executive editor and executive secretary in two week term to check if the article corresponds to the journal’s profile and meets preparation demands and are registered afterwards in accordance with the procedure. (The materials, rejected in the reviewing procedure are not returned to the authors).
1.6. Editorial board does not accept the articles published previously in other journals and scientific editions.
1.7. Publication is free.
1.8. Royalties are not paid out.
1.9. Manuscripts and materials in electronic form are not returned to the authors.


2. Articles reviewing procedure
2.1. All the articles sent to the scientific (industrial and practical) journal «Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno» (for the exception of the materials presented by members of Academy, corresponding members of the Academy) are the subject to be reviewed. Review sample is given on the journal web-page in the section «For reviewers». Reviewing (expert judgments) of the manuscripts is done to keep high scientific-theoretical level of the issue and to select the most valuable and topical (forward-looking) scientific works.
2.2. The terms of the reviewing are determined by the executive secretary taking into account the conditions for maximum quick publication of the article but within one month since the reviewer received the manuscript. Lecturers of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno as well as of other institutions of higher education of the Republic of Belarus and other countries may become reviewers according to the list of reviewers for each series. Reviewers should have a degree. As a rule, the reviewers of the articles of Doctors of Sciences, doctoral candidates and people working for degree of doctor are Doctors of Sciences.
2.3. To make the control of the quality of the materials confidential the reviewing of all the articles is anonymous for both – authors and reviewers. The reviewers get no information about the authors of the articles. The reviewers are not allowed either to copy the articles or give them to the third parties.
2.4. If the reviewer makes a remark the article is sent back for improving (improving terms – one month, for neighboring and distant foreign countries – 3 months). The remarks and recommendations of the reviewer must be objective and relevant in order to make scientific and methodical level of the manuscript higher. The review is given to the author without signature and without reviewer’s surname, his post and place of work. The violation of the review privacy is allowed only in the case of statements on the authenticity made by the reviewer or falsification of the materials presented in the manuscript. The review with the indication of the author can be given on demand of the Higher Attestation Commission. The improved (re-worked) article together with the reply to all the remarks is given back to the reviewer for checking and making the decision.
2.5. In case the author doesn’t agree with the reviewer’s remarks and conclusions he has the right to address the editorial board with well-reasoned request in written form asking to give his article to another reviewer. In this case the editorial board must send his article for repeated (additional) reviewing or give the author a motivated refusal.
2.6. The editor-in-chief (executive editor) or his deputy of science is responsible for the reviewing arrangements, for control of reviewing quality.
2.7. The review cannot be done at the same department, which sends the article.
2.8. Articles of official nature (jubilees, official dates, historical events, etc), promotional articles as well as materials published in the section «Scientific life» do not have to be reviewed.


3. Articles acceptance or rejection procedure
3.1. Decision about acceptance or rejection of articles is made by the majority of votes. The editorial board doesn’t correspond with the author concerning the review. If the article is not accepted for publication the editorial committee sends the author a motivated refusal (on author’s written demand).
3.2. In case of equality of votes the final decision concerning the usefulness of publication and its terms is made by the editor-in-chief after the reviewing.
3.3. Only one article of an author may be published in an issue. Co-authorship is allowed.
3.4. Articles are published mainly in the succession of their acceptance. The priority for publication is given to scientific articles of postgraduates (doctorates) in their last year if their articles conform to the requirements for scientific publications and receive positive review. The receiving date of improved (re-worked) manuscripts is the day when the editorial board receives the final variant of manuscript together with the reply to all remarks of the reviewer.
3.5. Editorial board has the right to reject materials that do not meet the requirements or contain information, which is not allowed to be published in Mass Media.


4. Guidelines for Authors
The manuscript includes the following items:
4.1. UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) index. Font Times New Roman 10 pt, capital letters, left alignment.
4.2. Initials and author (authors) second name(s). Font size 10 pt, centre alignment in small letters.
4.3. The title of the publication (font size 12 pt in small letters centre alignment) should reflect the man idea of the research carried out, be concise and contain the keywords, which help to index the article.
4.4. Summary in Russian contains 200–250 words (font size 9 pt). The summary besides a brief content of the article should reflect the aim of the scientific work, scientific novelty and application sphere. Summary should also contain a list of keywords. Keywords (5–9) should be presented in Nominative case, typed in small letters in a line with commas between them.
    For scientific articles of postgraduate students we also recommend to attach an annotation in the language of the material published, volume 200–250 words (font size 9 pt, width alignment), according to the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC, Russian: BAK, Latin: VAK) requirements.
4.5. The main body should be structured according to the Higher Attestation Commission requirements for scientific articles, published in editions included in the List of scientific editions for thesis research results publishing: introduction, containing a short review of literature on this issue, a circle of problems not solved before; the main part with detailed coverage of questions discussed; the conclusion should contain brief results obtained.
4.6. List of accepted signs and the abbreviations (if any). Font size 10 pt, in small letters, width alignment.
4.7. List of references (cited literature) is given at the end of the article. It is to correspond to the requirements of GOST 7.1-2003 and Decree of Higher Attestation Commission 15 August 2007: font size 9 pt, width alignment. References to unpublished works are forbidden. References to the cited literature are numbered in the sequence of their appearance in the text in square brackets, ex.: [1, p. 32], [2, p. 52–53]. References to unpublished works are forbidden.
    Biography samples are given on the web site
4.8. Summary in English contains 100–150 words (with keywords) (font size 9 pt).


5. Requirements for the page layout
5.1. Font 10 pt., width alignment, with the author’s marking the necessary parts of the text using software fonts «Bold», «Italic». The whole text is typed using font «Times New Roman». Single line spacing.
5.2. Page parameters: size A4; margins: left and top 25 mm, right and bottom – 20 mm, page numbers at the top of the page beginning with the second page, right alignment. Indentation – 12 mm
5.3. It is not allowed to use two and more symbols «space» in succession, also indentations, spaces between a word and a symbol «full stop», «comma», «inverted comma», «bracket». Typing texts it should be used double angle brackets («»), typing English-language texts it should be used universal quotation mark (“”).
5.4. All values and simple formulas in the text and tables should be typed as text elements but not as objects of use of the formula editor. Complex formulas are typed using application MathType (size 10 pt). Formulae shouldn’t exceed 120 mm in width. While carrying over a part of a formula to the following line the mathematical sign should be repeated at the beginning of the following line. Drawings should be made in a vector CorelDRAW or Photoshop. Illustrations (B&W) should be clear and of good quality (resolution of the originals – 300 dpi). Print signs and labels under illustrations – Times New Roman, non-fat, 9 pt. The maximum illustrations width should not exceed 170 mm, maximum height – 220 mm (with captions). All tables, charts and diagrams should be embedded in the text and have a connection (to be available for editing) with the program source code, in which they were created (Excel, Corel Draw). Quality of illustrations correspond to the quality of original illustrations that are given to the editorial office.
5.5. Tables (if any). Font size 9 pt, table name lover case letters, 10 pt, width alignment; table size in width shouldn’t exceed 130 mm.
5.6. The use of automatic end and footnotes is not allowed.


6. General requirements for the article
6.1. Manuscripts should be submitted in paper having not fewer than 14 000 printing symbols in 2 copies and in electronic form in editor MS Word. The articles are published in Belarusian and Russian. The articles are accepted also in Polish, English and German (published in original).
6.2. The manuscript of the article must be signed by its author (all authors). It should also contain his agreement for publishing the article in open access in the Internet.
6.3. The following information should be attached to the manuscript on a separate sheet of paper: author’s surname, name and patronymic in full (in Belarusian, Russian and transliteration in the Roman alphabet (Latin): like in passport); scientific degree, post, place of work, e-mail, address for correspondence, phone number (everything in Russian and English).
6.4. Postgraduate students should also indicate surname, name, patronymic, scientific degree, academic status and place of work of their research advisor (everything in Russian and English; surname, name - transliteration in the Roman alphabet (Latin)).
6.5. There should be attached another summary both in Russian and English on a separate sheet of paper according to the following scheme: UDC, surname, initials of the author, title of the publication, keywords, summary (for control editing of English summary). The authors may also point out scientific speciality (specialities) the theme of the article refers to.
6.6. Authors bear the responsibility for bringing previously published articles, or articles accepted to be printed in other editions. According to the Law of Publishing authors bear the responsibility for choice and reliability of the given facts, citations, economic and statistic data, proper names (including geographical names) and other encyclopedic information. The Editorial Board has the right to edit the manuscript and abridge it without misrepresenting the paper contents.
6.7. It is not allowed to make edits and changes in the finished artwork. In case such changes are made the reimposition is made at the author’s expanse. «Creative» texts’ shifts such as texts’ replacements, equivalent replacements, full or partial deletion, etc. in the finished artwork are not allowed.
6.8. Editorial board has the right to change the rules of registration, reviewing, approval (refusal) of the materials received by the editorial board of the scientific (industry and technology) journals «Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno» on the basis of the instructions of Higher Attestation Commission or decisions of editorial boards of journals. to view here